Nov 28, 2006

News News News !!!

Ok, not really important news, but funny

funny thing...

Well to explain, I can't. I can tell you that last year I had to do that shit, and no one paid me for it. I even had to attend a full day seminar in exchange for the truck to come and haul the shit away. While I was cleaning shit out I found mercury vials, which was supposed to have already been cleaned out 2 years prior. BTW, the school gets charged a fine of $2000 every time mercury is found. And I don't have a text book for my Anatomy-Physiology class. It sucks.

Here's something to look at.

Nov 27, 2006

Nov 20, 2006

Bluntest is #1 . . .

. . . on the organ donor list because it's on life support . . . .

I like the fourth paragraph

Nov 14, 2006

O where, o where has my bluntest gone?

I already forgot what this link was to.

This one is kind of cool

Yeah, you get no real descriptions for those past two links. Push the button, try your luck.

And thanks to for the previous links.

Wiggle It, just a little bit? Please?

Class is over. The Man has blocked my fun game websites and shopping sites. The Bastards. Look for lots of new blunt posts, since I have nothing else to do. And no one else is posting. I can already hear you whining Driz about how you're the only one who posts.

Nov 7, 2006

get ya vote on ...

will it be ...

the corrupt one ...

the other corrupt one ...

or the one that doesnt stand a chance ...


Nov 2, 2006

art n junk

chicagoan and outsider artist henry darger ... not the best collection of images ive seen, but still good ... and the bio/description of his writing/art at the bottom is pretty good ... and in case youre thinkin of passin over this link, his 19000 page story and several hundred accompanying illustrations is entitled The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion ... heres an excerpt ... bill oreilly aint got nothin on that ! ... some mo

and this fellow chicagoan and blogspot brand blogger will paint you a picture for 5 dollars shipping and handling

Nov 1, 2006

the hulk cares about animals

really, he does ...


im not being sarcastic for once

things to look at

