Oct 18, 2005

Jane Ashcroft for Supreme Court?

She's a man baby

Ok, bad political joke that probably only I get. See its funny because John Ashcroft was said to have been better at quoting the Bible than quoting judicial presedence. In fact, there have been claims that he held disdain for people when they did quote judicial opinions and the such. Harriet Miers is similar because one of the few facts about her that has been used as evidence of her being a good candidate for Supreme Court is she is a member of an evangelical church and is a born again Christian, like John Ashcroft. And like John Ashcroft, she doesn't really have that good of a grasp on Constitutional Law. Hell, even I've read Griswold v. Connecticut and I'm not even in law school. We had to read that for an undergrad constitutional law class. Don't you love jokes that you have explain?

Plus I like how they had the some lawyers and judges from Texas saying she'd be a great judge and experience doesn't matter that much. Which I completely agree because we all know how law-abiding Texas politicians are.

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