Jan 4, 2007

hapless dog caught in well!

always somethin new that jus makes you shake yer head ...

"The documents show that the FBI was aware in 1971 that Rehnquist had owned a home in Phoenix with a deed that allowed him to sell only to whites. The restrictive covenant was not disclosed until his 1986 confirmation hearings, at which Rehnquist said he became aware of the clause only days earlier."
(link courtesy the pimpernel)

for as much as wonkette (currently my favorite "blog") loves to hate on the easily-hateable katherine harris, i cant believe they havent pulled up this pic yet ...

theres a bunch o' nice, candid political photos on this blog ... with commentary!

sounds like my kinda movie! ... NILBOG IS GOBLIN BACKWARDS!!!!

not sure exactly what it says, but i think it translates roughly to, "hot chicks in skin-tight tiger outfits jumping through hoops, 5 dollars" ... i dunno ... id go see that show ...


somethins messed up wit the page, but you can still right-click, view image ...

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