Dec 6, 2007

Primaries are A' Comin'!

I think we've been a little devoid of political talk regarding the upcoming Presidential primaries. So, in order of importance:

Kucinich has got himself a hottie hippy with a tongue piercing, and, yes, she's about a foot taller than he is. And she doesn't eat meat. Quit your snickering.

And Fred Thompson's daughter is pretty hot, too! (What's that? That's his wife? She must really like Law and Order)

(On a side note, this is Salman Rushdie's wife. Pretty hot, kind of looks like the foreign student from American Pie)

From Russia with love, here's Gorbachev's granddaughter! Best thing to come from the communist bloc since vodka.

Oh yeah, the primaries.

Ron Paul supporters at least have a kick ass RV. Take that Straight Talk Express! And what have we learned from this? Old people have a lot in common. Mainly RVs and conservativism.

That's all for now, with so many candidates out there it's hard to cover them all in just one post. Oh, and if you want some more information other than who has the hotter wife or who's supporters ride in the cooler van, click here. Who'd have thought that as many Republican candidates oppose the death penalty as Democrats? Perhaps more on that later.

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