Apr 2, 2008


World Autism Awareness Day

...does awkward collar pull for Pimpernel


The Scarlet Pimpernel said...

2 Things:

1) That's fine that they have some articles on autism for autism awareness, but overloading with those articles while burying other news is wrong from a journalistic standpoint. Having the Health section highlighted with autism related articles is fine, especially in light of World Autism Awareness Day. But other shit is going on in the world and the point of CNN is to disseminate the news.

2) It is pretty nice to know the UN still has some influence over somethings in this world. Though I'm pretty sure Ted Turner is going to be on the No Fly List after this little stunt.

Bogardus said...

The point of CNN is to get ratings and web hits. They will resume disseminating the news when it becomes more profitable.

The Scarlet Pimpernel said...

One last thing: In the month of March, CNN ran 20 articles on autism. That's why I had originally thought CNN had gone overboard. Once again, I'm not saying it's not an issue that should be addressed by the media and all the more power to them to try to educate people, but there's a point at which it gets to be too much. And I think CNN was bordering that prior to the UN sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day.

It'd also be nice if CNN was as active in promoting World AIDS Day (December 1). CNN ran a mere two articles on AIDS on December 1st of this past year, I believe. Both regarding the concert, not the actual disease or those who suffer from it. Cause really, would you rather be telling people to wear a condom to avoid AIDS or would you rather be telling people to be scared to give your kids vaccines lest they become autistic?

actor said...

i wouldn't have said anything if you had just watched that video i sent of the dude who injected all that silicone into his penor