Mar 27, 2009

shamwhat ?

Allllright ... I'm only posting this because up until last night I had never even heard of the Shamwow ... I don't know how I got so lucky. I was at a party last night and since we're generally nerdy, a heated debate on the economy erupted amongst the smokers on the back porch. We were discussing China's recent proposal to adopt a new monetary standard/currency not tied to one country (ie the USA) ... in the midst of this someone joked that the "the Shamwow should be the new standard" ... everyone laughed, but me who asked "Shamwhat?" ... So yes, even the fellow non-TV owners knew of him. Somehow I have been able to completely avoid this ubiquitous TV entity hocking his shlep-wears ... I still don't know exactly what it is ... a fancy towel ? Why is this a thing?

Anyway, the synchronicity seemed too perfect cause for the first time in years I pulled up The Smoking Gun and found this ... ShamWow Guy In Slap, Chop Bust: TV pitchman battered hooker in South Beach hotel room brawl

All I can think is that he shoulda covered his fists in the ShamWows as to avoid leaving a mark. And his name is for real "Vince Shlomi". You go ShamWow Dude!


The Semi-Pro Chef said...

You're gonna LOVE his nuts.

/Hi A!

driznastic said...

hi s!