Sep 6, 2005

Someone had to say it

At the risk of being Dixie Chick'ed, a few days after the release of his new album, Kanye West appeared on NBC's A Concert for Hurricane Relief and spoke a little truth about our government's response to Katrina. Watch the video and discuss.

"George Bush doesn't care about black people."


driznastic said...

heres an easier to view version

click here

driznastic said...

i appreciate the effort, but man, he came off like a total dork ... looks really nervous throughout the whole thing ... and its also really hard to follow his train of thought ... at one point callin himself a hypocrite, and then, bam ... george w doesnt care about black people ... i mean, i agree wit him 100%, i jus wish he had thought it through a lil more ... this is one of those A for effort type of things ...

Anonymous said...

Does that mean that the Louisiana Governor and New Orleans mayor also hate black people because they didn't have a plan and then have refused to let the federal government take control of the situation? Has anybody checked the constitution to see if the Posse Comitatus Act or other provisions prevent the federal government from doing certain things within the United States? You may find that the military can't enforce the law and that the primary responsibility for emergency planning falls to the local and state governments that then gets passed along to FEMA for advice and consultation. Was there such planning?? There was an article 7 weeks before this catastrophe in the TIMES-PICAYUNE (July 24, 2005) paper stating that the local and state government would not be able to get people out if they were hit by a big storm. That should have at least started some sort of planning. Is this truly a racial issue or is it just a matter of percentages? Like the fact that two thirds of the population of New Orleans is American of African Descent. How about those great Hollywood types that give spout off there mouths about aid to other countries, where is the support? If all the actors that get $20 million a picture gave $1 million each to aid the relief effort how much would it come to? I guess we will never know. I think it’s funny that Kayne, because he cares so much, hadn’t even looked into giving money until he put himself on the spot.

The Scarlet Pimpernel said...

Let me borrow a tactic from Stewie:

Something nice, something nice . . . I agree this probably isn't racially motivated. Bush doesn't really care about anyone other than himself no matter what color they are.

Something critical: it's not actors jobs to take ensure the security of other Americans. Being elected as the Security Candidate kind of lets that fall on the President. The government should do all that it can to protect and ensure the "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" of it's citizens. That's what we pay taxes for.

Something nice, something nice . . . you look like Snoopy and that makes me smile.

driznastic said...

agreed ... this isnt a race issue, this is a class issue ... it was pretty ignant of kanye to not address the thousands of poor white people that are also sufferin down there ... it woulda been more accurate to say bush doesnt care about poor people ...

driznastic said...

oh, and his new album is pretty weak