May 31, 2007

return of ...

i would like to extend a very special "welcome-back" to our founder and brother-in-blogging, bogardus ... yes, after a much needed hiatus/sabbatical, a bout with scrivener's palsy, a touch of saint vitus' dance, an ongoing hectical complaint, a bout with the grocer's itch, a panic with some summer's complaint, a permanent case of spina bifida, an ongoing battle with hydrocephalus, and finally, a unfortunate series of apoplexies ... the fine quacks doctors here at st. bluntest resurrection hospital have seen it fit to release and re-institute this fine vessel of human suffering ... god speed, young bogardus!

and for more pioneer diseases read this

and here's the whole clan!

1 comment:

Colin Morris said...

As creepy as this is, I'm leaving you a comment because I'm moving into your neighborhood from downtown... yup.

::Changes listing at
