Mar 6, 2008

I drink it from my ba-ba

WHAT? No i will NOT put down the colorforms! Who do you think you are?!

You don't KNOW ME, you don't play in my park. I will shove my foot so far up your ass you will be tasting Velcro for weeks.


Fine! Fuck it, I'm out.

Where the hell is my Big Wheel? You better tell me where you moved that shit, asshole. And if I don't find my backpack in the cubby-hole where I left it, Spongebob as my witness, I will choke you with your own paste.

THE COPS?!?!! Are you kidding me?!

You mainstream that spaz Jake over there, but I decide to have a little fun before nap time and you call the Fuzz?!

Ahh no, Jake buddy....No, no Jake come on I didn't mean it. I'm sorry man. Really sorry man. Somebody get over here and unhook his harness so I can give him a hug.

See, isn't that better. This is nice Jake, huh?

Man I'm sorry you guys. You're just looking out for me.

Hey JESSICA! Remember how on Hundred Day we BOTH brought in 100 Cheerios in a ziplock. Yea, that was awesome.


I love you guys.

1 comment:

Bogardus said...

That video was made infinitely better by the Jack Daniels banner ad that was running right next to it.