Apr 17, 2009

Television Geniuses

So I was sitting at the hookah lounge with a couple of my television executive buddy.

Me: "So what's new in television?"
Exec: "Not a lot. You know what? Smallville's a pretty good show."
Me: "Yeah, you should do another one of those."
Exec: "Sure, but what? I mean it's mammy-rammin' Superman. You can't top that. We kind of blew it by starting off at the top."
Me: "Yeah, but you know what was a good show, too? Baywatch."
Exec: "Yeah, there was some wet titties on that show. Sweet."
Me: "Dood! You should totally do Aquaman!"
Exec: "You think? But really, it's Aquaman. No one likes Aquaman."
Me: "Yeah, you're right. But do you know what makes any movie or tv show kick serious ass? Lou Diamond Phillips."
Exec: "Holy Crap! You're right! Consider it done!

(Yeah, try to find a decent video of that clip. I'm lucky I found one at all. Now quit being a dick about everything.)

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