graffiti archaeology from ... sgonna take a minute to load, but you can watch a wall being tagged on for a couple years straight ...
hey, this is pretty creepy ...
museum of the dead
from cabinet magazine online ... by now we've all seen those chapels built of skeletons and human bones, but in Palermo, they like to play dress up with the corpses and mount em on walls!
In Palermo, however, corpses are treated as characters in a play. Perhaps Walt Disney and Madame Tussaud were inspired by places like this, but the Capuchin crypt will not remind you of their worlds, for in spite of all the talk about the great lengths the monks have gone to in order to create lifelike effects, it feels like somewhere that fell into disuse long ago.... those lazy italians, put the wine and your beautiful women down for a minute and go tend to yer fuckin' corpses!
so that article makes mention of "The Sedlec Ossuary" located in a secluded little mountain area of the Czech Republic ... i had never heard of this one ...
The ossuary contains approximately 40,000-70,000 human skeletons which have been artistically arranged to form decorations and furnishings for the chapel.... yeah, fuck making the chapel out of skeletons, lets just make home furnishings out of em ... here's some great pictures ... here's a sweet 360 of the joint ...