May 16, 2008

Happy American Craft Beer Week!!!

Drink a pint and celebrate all that there is to being an American! And in case you're wondering, no, this is not a hallmark holiday. It's a Federal Holiday as proclaimed by House Resolution 753(which originated in the Committee on Government Reform for some reason). Here's my favorite part of HR 753:

"Whereas American crafter brewers promote the Nation's spirit of independence through a renaissance in hand-crafted beers like those first brought to colonial shores by European settlers and produced here by the Nation's founding fathers, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, for the enjoyment of the citizenry;"

That's right! Up your butt Independence Day! I got a new favorite holiday for celebrating being an American. And this mo-fo is a week long!

(On a personal note, this holiday could not have come at a better time. I lost a take-home exam that was due on Monday, had to rewrite 30+ pages of it on Sunday, had an in-class exam on Monday and then another on Tuesday.)

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