Jul 18, 2008

YOUR tax dollars at work

here's what the government spends your money on!

Air Force generals have spent $7.6 million to design and build four "comfort capsules" to be used on planes ferrying general officers and other VIPs. ... Changing the seat color and pockets alone was estimated in a March 12 internal document to cost at least $68,240.

The investigation by the civil rights division of the United States Department of Justice and the office of Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the United States attorney here, found that the jail had systematically violated the constitutional rights of inmates. “You can’t have conditions where people are dying and being amputated,” Mr. Fitzgerald said at a news conference.

to note: i'm more socialist then most, so this is not a libertarian-esque cry against taxes, but there needs to be more accountability in appropriation of funds.

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