Aug 29, 2008


Sorry I've been away for awhile, but classes have started again. So on to the postings:

McCain has chosen Alaska Governor Palin as his running mate. $5 says that if Obama had chosen Hillary as a running mate, Palin would still be watching icebergs and running Eskimo pie bake sales or whatever they do in Alaska. Though she is kind of cute, in a Tina Fey kind of way. Or at least cuter than Biden. Either way, if the McCain camp keeps running "Obama is not experienced enough" lines, having a first term governor of one of the smallest populated states in the union isn't really going to help. More on Palin later tonight. Stay tuned!

Oh yeah, Obama gtave a speech last night that was pretty good.


Unknown said...

She was a city councilor then became governor of a tiny state where John McCain wants to drill the fuck out of.

Stupid pick and I hope he fails because of it.

I wouldn't mind drilling HER though.

driznastic said...

tina fey = much cuter