Jul 26, 2005

Karl rove; my two cents

Sorry I've been AWOL folks, but I'm filling in for someone else who is on vacation this week at work. More work = Less Blunt. Its a sad equation, but a true one.

Dubya keeps saying that "if a crime has been committed", he will be handing out pink slips. Way to go with "restoring integrity to the White House". Can you imagine the uproar from all the neo-cons if this had happened in Clinton's administration? Heads would roll. If the Clinton-Lewinsky deal can be blamed for the swing to the right in Washington, the Rove-Plame issue might be just the thing to swing the pendulum back. I hope.....

Lazy-ass Democrats need to grow a pair and bring this issue to forefront of the media. Let this Justice thing slide. He's much less right wing than anyone expected. Not a bad guy. Let it go. Save our outrage and struggle for the inevitable retiring of Rehnquist in the next year or two.

Keep paying attention to the White House press briefings. Its fun to watch the Bush Administration squirm.

In other news....
Keep your eyes peeled! He's dangerous! And elderly!

He's coming for your cursor...


The Scarlet Pimpernel said...

High Score 467 on cursor catcher

driznastic said...

high score 744 on cursor catcher ... BOOOYA

driznastic said...

oh shnap! 1588 on cursor catcher ... biznatches !

The Scarlet Pimpernel said...

1596. While answering phones. What you got on my drank?