Jul 22, 2005

New Holiday, Part I

First things first, I'm on hold and they're playing Elvis' "In the Ghetto". I love dealing with Kentucky.

On with the blogging, I think we need a new holiday. There's too much of a gap between Independence Day and Labor Day. August is too hot to work all the way through. I was thinking of something along the lines of Labor Day, but instead of celebrating the working class, going for something closer to a protest against the alienation of labor. This day should fall on August 22nd. Why August 22nd? Because that's a day I asked to have off of work. Or perhaps we can celebrate the birthday of Denis Papin.

Now that the basis of the holiday is laid out, we can now address specifics. We'll need flags. I think the color should be the same as that nasty green couch from college. And there ought to be a big ol pilgrimage. We can all go down to whiskey country in Tennessee.

That's all I got for now. I got to get back to work.

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