Feb 24, 2008

mind your wangz

in response to this

as a heterosexual male that's pretty confidant in his sexuality and who also has no real issue with teh gheys or transgenders, it really kinda gets to me when i see websites (read: blogs) out there that just love to bash on what they perceive to be "gay bashing in the media". now, don't get me wrong, gay folk are one of the only "kinds" of people that still have to put up with unabashed hatred from the majority of our society, even to a certain extent, in large "liberal" metropolitan areas. however, if a local news report refers to a transgender's gender as their birth gender, it is by no means a right-wing-media conspiracy to deprecate that life style. instead, i earnestly believe it is simply the reporter (probably a hack journalist to begin with) not understanding how these people wish to be referred. i have a couple transgender acquaintances (they used to be very good friends, but over the years our paths separated and so the friendship diminished) who i only knew as females (their birth gender) and who are now full fledged males. of the couple times i have seen them in the recent past, it was near impossible (especially as the night progressed and i got drunker) for me to not call them "girl" in the affectionate way i call most of my female friends (ie "damn girl, what you been up to?") however, since these two individuals were (by now) confidant in their decisions, they took no offense to my accidental slip-ups, as there was obviously no malcontent, and i'll be honest, it is still a foreign concept to me as i do not usually interact with transgenders on a day to day basis. so what am i getting at ? i guess just that education is really the key here. when people act ignorant, most of the time it is simply because they are either misinformed or so unfamiliar with a situation that they cannot wrap their minds around how to act. especially in a city like chicago, i think most people are open to listening if you present your ideas in a rational way and don't immediately cry "bigot!". of course the media is still ignorant (the "white people finding vs black people looting" story out of new orleans last year comes to mind) yet i must insist that kind of story is extremely more inflamatory then calling someone (who wasn't openly transgender) by their birth gender. that's not to say there are not indoctrinated idiots out there that believe (and preach) hateful ideas and ideologies, just that if you're in chicago/new york/la, you probably won't run into many.

so chill the fuck out already.

and help people understand instead of immediately jumping to conclusions.

that being said, this is funny ... though i don't agree with 99% of it.

i don't like sitting right next to my friends if i don't have to, but that's cause i like my space, not because i'm afraid i'll end up making out with them by the end of the night. sheesh. again. don't jump to conclusions people, please. that's called prejudice, and the people screaming it are just as bad as the people dishing it out ... some of the time anyway.

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