Feb 26, 2008

teh immigants! they made me late!

more conservative wankery, this time from our friends at numbersusa.com.

this is one of the funniest things i've seen from our friends across the aisle in a long time. seriously, check out this "graph" ... its so scientific and official looking!

the numbers don't lie people.
look, if you don't buy it, check the sources! they're clearly labeled at the bottom!
everyone knows that 1970 was the final year immigrants to america could be converted to our glorious way of life, by now the islamo-fascists have taken root in EVERY COUNTRY OUT THERE! and have indoctrinated all people to their FREEDOM HATING WAYS! believe when i say canada is a powderkeg waiting to go off!

don't be tricked!
people, if this graph is accurate (and i have no reason to believe it's not) within our lifetimes we will see a sweeping takeover of our nations government by ILLEGALS who will flaunt their illegal status until THEY become the majority, and us TRUE AMERICANS become the minority. that being said, DO NOT TRUST THE IMMIGRANTS WHEN THEY OFFER YOU FREE BLANKETS AND "FIREWATER"

and remember, sick of the traffic sprawl (i'm pretty sure you can't use those two words like that) and congestion? BLAME TEH IMMIGANTS!

this has been a public service announcement from "The New Project for America to Get Ahead in a Century of New American Progress"

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